I’m Sam, a PhD student under Dr Vasileios Giotsas, Prof Nicholas Race and Dr Benjamin Green. My current research involves the use of honeypots for industrial control system security and is funded by the NG-CDI project.
Contact information: s.maesschalck@lancaster.ac.uk
Research Interests
My research interests mainly lie within network security and digital forensics. These research areas are further underlined by an interest for honeypots, industrial control systems and software-defined-networking. Due to the nature of industrial control systems, a need for specific security measures has emerged, specifically one that has minimal interference with the devices itself.
Further interests lie within the aspect of cyberspace and its effect on national security and international relations. The emergence of cyberspace as a new domain of warfare has brought many questions with it and exposes nations to a range of new threats.
The NG-CDI project is an ambitious programme geared to create a radically new architecture for the UK’s internet and telecommunications infrastructure. It is a collaborative partnership with the Universities of Lancaster, Bristol, Cambridge and Surrey and BT