Dr. Edward Chuah

Hello, my name is Edward.  Prior to my post-doc, I studied for a PhD at The University of Warwick, UK for 3.5 years (my former PhD supervisor is Dr. Arshad Jhumka).  I successfully defended my thesis on 28 May 2020 and received the PhD degree in Computer Science on 7 July 2020.  My post-doctoral supervisor is Prof. Neeraj Suri.

Email: e.t.chuah@lancaster.ac.uk

Research activities:

My current interests lie at the intersection of systems security, fault tolerance, distributed systems and data analytics.  I also have a general interest in anomaly detection, causal inference and networking.  I have been working on the topic of failure diagnosis since 2010 and it is an area that I enjoy immensely.

Selected peer-reviewed publications:

DBLP Profile

Software tools developed:

Services to the community:

  • 2020: Invited reviewer for IEEE Access, 2nd International Conference on Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems (MLIS 2020), 6th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Data Mining (FSDM 2020), PC member (ICI2ST 2021).
  • 2018: Invited reviewer for Software: Practice and Experience, ACM Computing Surveys.